From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Remembering better using the multiple reading process

Remembering better using the multiple reading process

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Remembering better using the multiple reading process

- In this video, we're going to discuss a reading strategy that will allow you to remember more of what you read. The three-step strategy is called the multiple reading process. The first step is preview, where you read the introduction and conclusion to your text. The second step is the overview, where you read all the headings and bold-faced words, or the first sentence of each paragraph. This leads us naturally to our third and most important step, read. In other words, let's read the material that we've been getting familiar with. Think about the way most people read. A lot of people simply start from the beginning and read in a very linear way to the end. But you don't have to read all material this way. In fact, reading this way is part of the reason why people read slowly. If you don't know what to expect from the material, you're going to have to read it slower. Imagine the alternative. If you start by reading the intro and conclusion. And then proceed to read all the headings…
