From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Scoring better on reading tests

Scoring better on reading tests

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Scoring better on reading tests

- Now we're going to discuss how to score better on reading tests by getting through the passage more efficiently. We've all taken them. Those standardized reading tests that require you to read a passage and then answer some questions, usually in a relatively short period of time. Here's a simple three-step process you can follow the next time you're faced with one of these tests. Step one, read the first sentence of each paragraph. Because first sentences tend to be main ideas, this is a quick way to get the gist of the passage and figure out what it's generally about. Step two, read all of the questions. The questions tell you what to look for and also provide you with clues as to what the passage is about. Be sure to avoid reading the answer choices during this step. You don't want to read the answers because most of them are wrong and you don't want to be reading false information. Plus, reading the answer choices takes up precious time and you don't have much of it during the…
