From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Taking strategic breaks while studying

Taking strategic breaks while studying

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Taking strategic breaks while studying

- In this video, we're going to discuss how taking strategic breaks can benefit you while studying. Have you ever had the situation where you're reading for a long period of time and all of a sudden you realize, "I have no clue what I just read." This situation has happened to all of us at one point or another. But you can keep this from happening often if you take strategic breaks while studying. Here's a good rule of thumb to follow when you have to study for long periods of time. Set a timer for 25 minutes of focused, distraction-free studying. After the 25 minutes is up, take a five minute break. You may want to use this five minute break to stand up and maybe walk around to get your blood flowing. Keep in mind that sitting for very long periods of time is harmful to your health. So use this time to get out of your seat. You can use this five minute break to check voicemails or text messages that came in while you were studying. Of course, that assumes that you turned your phone…
