From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Using pictures to improve your memory

Using pictures to improve your memory

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Using pictures to improve your memory

- Have you ever heard the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words? In this video we'll introduce the power of pictures and how they can affect your memory. So let's discuss why visual information, like pictures, are so easy to remember. Have you ever forgotten someone's name? We all have. But what if you ran into that person later in the week or later in the month, you'd probably remember their face, right? You might forget their name, but you very easily remember their face. Why is that? It's because the human brain remembers visual information much better than abstract information. A face is very visual, you can picture it in your mind, which makes it easy to remember. A first name is more abstract and harder to remember unless we include some sort of repetition or association with it. Now this is very important to realize, that you're very good at remembering visual information because we can leverage this idea to improve our memory. Let's go over an example, here's a 14 letter…
