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Using songs, rhymes, and alliteration

Using songs, rhymes, and alliteration

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Using songs, rhymes, and alliteration

- Have you ever had a song get stuck in your head? How about this one. ♫ A-B-C-D-E-F-G ♫ You know this song, and it helped you remember the alphabet. You learned the alphabet as a song, because it's easier that way. In fact, research shows that text associated with music is easier to remember as a song than as speech. For example, a study published in The Journal of Memory and Cognition showed that people learned a new language more effectively when they sang the words rather than speaking them. Keep in mind that some of the world's greatest works of literature, such as the Odyssey and the Iliad, were originally read aloud as songs. So why is it that songs are so easy to remember? Much of it has to do with repetition. If the song was popular at the time, we heard it over and over again. But aside from that, songs have all sorts of repetition embedded within them. The beat or melody repeats. The chorus or hook repeats. All of this repetition makes it very easy for songs to be…
