From the course: Learning Study Skills

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Using your hand to guide your eyes

Using your hand to guide your eyes

From the course: Learning Study Skills

Using your hand to guide your eyes

- The simplest thing you can do right now to improve your reading speed is to use your hand as a guide. You can use your hand, your finger, or even a pen while you're reading. Either way, this visual reference will help you guide your eyes through the text. This is the simplest way to improve your concentration while reading. And guess what? If you have better concentration, you'll have a better reading speed. And also, if you're able to concentrate better, that should also help your comprehension too. You want to place your finger or a pen slightly below the text on a page and underline the words from left to right in one continuous motion. Don't actually look at your finger, but instead let it guide you from left to right through the line of text. Your eyes being naturally attracted to motion will follow your finger through the material. Now initially, this might feel slightly uncomfortable, if you don't already read with your hand. But the more you do it, the more natural it…
