From the course: Learning Word Desktop (Microsoft 365)

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Add headers, footers, and page numbers

Add headers, footers, and page numbers

From the course: Learning Word Desktop (Microsoft 365)

Add headers, footers, and page numbers

- [Instructor] Headers and footers allow you to add small bits of important information at the top or bottom of your pages. Page numbers are probably the most common use for headers and footers. Now, headers and footers are going to be invisible if they are empty. To edit the header or the footer, you just need to double-click near the top or bottom edge of a page. So I'm going to double-click near the top edge of this page, and now I'm editing the header. The rest of my page is sort of gray, which means I cannot edit the body of the document until I close the header. But first, let's put something into the header. So I'm just going to type in some text here, and that's all I want for my header. Now, I want you to notice as you're editing a header or a footer, there is this new ribbon up at the top, the Header and Footer ribbon. When you're finished editing your header or your footer, you can click this button to close…
