From the course: Leveraging Generative AI in Finance and Accounting

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Create financial forecasts with generative AI: Trend analysis

Create financial forecasts with generative AI: Trend analysis

From the course: Leveraging Generative AI in Finance and Accounting

Create financial forecasts with generative AI: Trend analysis

- In our third and final case study, let's dive deep into two approaches for forecasting Microsoft's revenue: trend analysis and predictive analytics. For both approaches, we'll be using five years of historical data from Microsoft's financial statements as our time series basis to forecast future revenue. We'll be using OpenAI's advanced data analysis tool, which writes Python code under the hood. This kind of analysis used to be time consuming using traditional tools. Today, you'll see how much time we can save using generative AI. One approach to forecasting is simple linear regression. Here, we fit a line to the historical revenue and extend that line into the future. Let's take a look. (keyboard clicking) Please use linear regression to forecast the next five years of revenue for Microsoft. Okay, we see that ChatGPT has gone through data preparation, model fitting, and forecasting. In this chart, you see that we…
