From the course: Leveraging Generative AI in Finance and Accounting

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Generative AI and its application in FP&A

Generative AI and its application in FP&A

- What if you could ask your financial model complex questions in plain English and receive immediate, insightful answers? Would that alter your approach to financial planning and analysis? This transformative shift is already underway, and it's changing the way we interact with technology. Gone are the days when specialized coding skills were required to manipulate financial models. Now, your natural spoken or written language is your interface. This shift is made possible by large language models, or LLMs, which serve as a bridge between human intuition and computational power. LLMs are trained on vast datasets that encompass not just text, but also the nuances and contexts of human speech. This allows for a more intuitive interaction with technology, where you can ask complex questions and receive answers that are not just accurate, but also contextually relevant. But what makes these models truly powerful is their…
