From the course: Localization for Developers

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Changing your locale in Android

Changing your locale in Android

From the course: Localization for Developers

Changing your locale in Android

- For testing localized Android applications I would highly recommend that you do your testing on an actual device and not just in an emulator. To change your language settings, you can open your applications and choose Settings. From here I'm going to scroll down until I see Language & input. I would recommend that you memorize the icon here, which is a globe in this version of Android, so that if you're coming back in and you need to change your device back into English, you can remember how to do that. I'm gonna choose Language & input and right here from Language I'm going to choose, well, I have a lot of languages to choose from. Now, depending on your device manufacturer, you might not see the same range of language options. We'll talk about that in a moment. I'm gonna go ahead and choose French here and you'll notice that automatically all of my menus are now back in French. And even if I open my applications, the names of those applications have changed. And if I load into…
