From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

Why is it important to manage your emotions at work?

From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

Why is it important to manage your emotions at work?

- Now more than ever, we're being encouraged to be our real self at work, to not be split into a home-self and a work-self. And I think that's great, because it's an invitation to be a human being, which means we'll be better able to authentically connect with each other. But, I also recognize that it's challenging, in that, showing up as our real self means that we also have to acknowledge that our emotions show up with us. And look, there's nothing inherently wrong about an emotion. It's just that we don't have much skill in navigating how to be with them, especially at work, and especially when it's in a charged situation, and especially when some sort of crisis appears, that you never thought would have come up. - My name is Jay Fields, and I'm an expert in embodied emotional intelligence. The approach in this course may be a bit different than you're used to. I'm going to ask you to participate, not just by thinking, but also, by sensing and feeling. This is about bringing the information from your mind down into your felt experience. Together, we'll build toward a set of practices and skills that will help you be more emotionally intelligent, whether you're at home, or at work.
