From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Blogging for ecommerce

Blogging for ecommerce

- [Instructor] The more pages you have on your e-commerce website, the more opportunities you have to be found in search. This is because search engines like Google don't rank entire websites, but they rank individual web pages at a time. How do you create more pages seamlessly for your e-commerce site, especially if you have limited products? Well, the best way to do this is to start a blog. Now, you want to figure out what questions people have surrounding your products, and a really great tool that you can utilize to do this is Now, with, you can type in your product or related queries. For example, I might type in golf if my e-commerce website was all about golf, then I can search and will show me questions that my target customers are asking the internet. And I can use these questions as the topics for different blog articles. So for example, will golf…
