From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Building a profitable ecommerce website

Building a profitable ecommerce website

From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

Building a profitable ecommerce website

- Maximizing online sales really boils down to a few key points. You want to focus on user experience. Now, user experience is great for search engine optimization. The major search engines absolutely love websites that are focused on user experience. And as a result, you are likely to see improved search engine rankings if you focus on user experience. That being said, user experience is also great to help you to improve the way in which your e-commerce website converts overall. You want to focus on the speed of your website. How quickly does it currently load? You also want to think about how easy is it for people to navigate through one section of your website to another section of your website? As well as this, is your website mobile optimized? Now, Google has a few tools that can help you with user experience. The first tool is the Google page speed insights to tell you how quickly your website loads, and also…
