From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Ecommerce retargeting

Ecommerce retargeting

- Only a very small percentage of your website visitors to your e-commerce website are likely to convert into customers, especially the very first time they visit your website. Sometimes people are just not ready to buy yet. And in some instances, they need to take some time to think about whether or not they want to purchase the products. And in that time, they can completely forget about your brand. Re-targeting is a way to keep your brand top of mind. You can re-target people based on pixel re-targeting, email re-targeting, and also in some cases, you can re-target your social media followers. Re-targeting is known as warm traffic. This means that these people have interacted with you before, they've seen your brand before, and this can help to build trust with the people who are visiting your website the second, third or fourth time. I actually have a client who I worked with last year and she was really struggling…
