From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Email marketing for ecommerce

Email marketing for ecommerce

- [Instructor] Email marketing is the backbone of any successful e-commerce business. It is important that you manage your email marketing in the right way. Firstly, managing your customers' data comes with legal responsibilities. You need to ensure that you are gathering your data in an ethical and legal way. Abandon cart is when someone attempts to make a purchase on your website but for some reason they did not complete their purchase and you have their email and you can send them a reminder to complete their order. This helps you to potentially recover lost sales. It's important that if you can, you add an abandoned cart feature to your e-commerce website. You may be able to build a database of leads. These are prospects who have not made a purchase on your website yet but may have signed up for updates, downloaded a free lead magnet, or signed up to receive a discount for your products. These prospects can turn into…
