From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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Researching your market for ecommerce

Researching your market for ecommerce

From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

Researching your market for ecommerce

- [Instructor] How do you research into your market so you know what's working, and you know how to position your products and your brand online? Well, there are a number of tools that you can utilize. And the first one that I want to speak about is the Facebook Insights tool. Now you can access this tool simply by going to Facebook, going into your Ads Manager, and then go in into the Facebook Audience Insights tool. And it should take you into something that looks like this. Now, this is a way to analyze your current audience on Instagram and on Facebook. You can have a breakdown of the gender of people who are following you, as well as their age, some of your top countries and cities, and some top pages as well, that are similar to your page. So this can help you, if you identify any pages that are similar to yours, you can analyze some of the content that they put out and see whether or not you can adopt any ideas.…
