From the course: Marketing Foundations: Ecommerce

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YouTube marketing for ecommerce

YouTube marketing for ecommerce

- [Narrator] YouTube happens to be the second largest search engine in the world. And if you are running an e-commerce business, it could be a great platform for you to build up an audience and to promote your products. So there's a number of things that you can do on YouTube first and foremost, to research what videos might be popular for you. So let's say for example, you sell golf equipment on your website. Maybe you sell an umbrella for golf, you can type in umbrella for golf. And the first thing that you will kind of want to pay attention to is this auto-suggest. So YouTube will suggest to you key words, and these are not here by accident. These are here because enough people have typed this in, in the past for Google to be suggesting that to you. So these are suggested keywords that you may want to use in your videos. Now, when you click on one of these suggestions or you type something into Google, then obviously…
