From the course: Marketing Foundations: Value Proposition Development

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Intangible benefit tactics

Intangible benefit tactics

- Credibility is an intangible benefit you need to build with your prospects. It's a counterbalance to the trust you're asking them to have in you. The more credibility you build, the more trust they'll be willing to share with you. But credibility is difficult to gain and easy to lose. Any clues your prospects pick up that undermines your credibility will quickly erode whatever gains you've made. Let's look at some tactics to enhance your credibility. As a starting point, the quality of your design and copywriting can enhance or detract from your credibility right away. But the best design for conversion isn't always the most aesthetically pleasing or artistically creative, professionalism comes from having design that is consistent and error-free. Copywriting quality is also important for credibility. Your prospects have little patients for grammar and spelling errors. Showing media mentions allow some of the…
