From the course: Marketing Foundations: Value Proposition Development

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Personal benefits versus business benefits

Personal benefits versus business benefits

- One of the biggest mistakes business to business marketers make is underestimating the emotional reasons their customers make a purchase decision. If you're selling a B2B solution, you may be tempted to focus only on the benefits to the business. The logical reason that a person buys for a business is to solve the business needs, right? No. Don't make that mistake. One of the insights Widerfunnel has repeatedly proven from our testing across industries is that people act like people, regardless of their buying context. They all have the same needs, wants, and aspirations, whether they're sitting in their office buying a network server, or in their living room shopping for a summer vacation. People are people. There are two aspects to consider. The first is that your B2B buyer's primary concern is how the purchase decision will affect them personally. So you need to consider what their goals and concerns are. Will…
