From the course: Marketing Foundations: Value Proposition Development

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Testing your value proposition

Testing your value proposition

- Let me tell you a story. I was in Montreal two weeks ago on a personal vacation. At one point, I was wandering the streets, looking for somewhere to stop in for lunch. I really wanted an authentic, real French food kind of experience. Now, I walked past a few nice-looking cafes and restaurants, but they just weren't giving me the right feeling. They felt too structured, clean, almost sterile. I was looking for a more gritty experience. It would have been hard for me to explain exactly what I wanted at the time. I was just feeling my way through the street. And finally, I found the perfect place. It had wrought-iron light fixtures, there were cheese rounds sitting out on the counter, and rough wooden tables, wax dripping from the candles. It was perfect. Now, did it have better food than the other restaurants? Probably not, I don't know. But it satisfied the intangible feeling I was looking for. Fortunately for you…
