From the course: Marketing Foundations: Value Proposition Development

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- Early in my career, I spent several years in sales, and put a lot of effort into studying how to be a good sales person. I spent hours on the road each day between sales calls, listening to audio training and traveling to other cities to take in-person sales training seminars. One sales trainer in particular, Tom Hopkins, made an impression on me. I can still hear him in my head saying over and over and over again, "Remember, people make a purchase "emotionally and defend the purchase rationally. "You must create the emotion necessary to close the sale, "backed up with the logic of the decision to defend it." Now, that's good sales advice. And it works for more than just salespeople. It applies to all of your marketing communications as well. You should provide intangible, emotional benefits that convince your prospects to buy and give them tangible logical features they can use to justify their decision. Comfort…
