From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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B2B vs. B2C marketing

B2B vs. B2C marketing

- [Instructor] The world of marketing is divided into two primary categories, B2B marketing and B2C marketing. Your approach to design should be informed by these categories. So I'd like to take this opportunity to explain each arena in a bit more depth. The first B in both B2B and B2C marketing stands for business and represents the brand that is doing the marketing. The final letter in this acronym represents the audience being marketed to. In B2B marketing, otherwise known as business-to-business marketing, businesses are, you guessed it, marketing their products or services to other businesses. Their marketing efforts target a select group of key decision makers within a business in hopes of converting the organization into a customer. In B2C marketing, otherwise known as business-to-consumer marketing, businesses are marketing their products or services directly to individual consumers like you and I. When…
