From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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Content marketing

Content marketing

- [Narrator] Content marketing is often used as a catch-all phrase for all forms of online marketing, but that would be an inaccurate description. While most marketing strategies rely on content of some sort to help drive each campaign, such as infographics, eBooks, handouts, webinars, etc, simply using content as part of your marketing efforts doesn't automatically make it content marketing. Instead, content marketing is an inbound strategy that centers around the creation and dissemination of educational information to influence buying decisions. In other words, content marketing centers around thought leadership rather than salesmanship. For example, rather than producing commercials about Slack and all its benefits, content marketers for Slack created their get-to-market-faster YouTube series. This series doesn't focus on selling Slack, it focuses on ways Slack can empower brands and provides viewers with a blueprint for…
