From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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DIY design in marketing

DIY design in marketing

- [Presenter] In the last lesson, we discussed the many ways in which marketers benefit from great design. But what happens when marketers find themselves without the support of a designer? The answer lies in the growing popularity of do it yourself design tools like Canva and Adobe Express. Services like this provide non-designers with the tools and templates to create visual content without breaking the bank. And budgets these days are very important. While 76% of marketers surveyed consider visual content essential to their marketing strategy, budgets for visual content continue to decrease. In addition, marketers are struggling to meet the demand for consistent and high quality content due to the creative process. They either have more projects than their teams can handle in a timely manner, or they struggle to maintain scope, leading to a vicious cycle of revisions that delay campaigns and impact the potential of…
