From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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Email marketing

Email marketing

- [Host] Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for brands hoping to nurture leads and convert them into customers. Email marketers focus their efforts on delivering relevant promotional emails to your inbox at times where you might be open to buying from or learning more about the brand. They rely on email marketing tools, like MailChimp, Salesforce, HubSpot and more, to create automated email campaigns that follow custom rules dictated by the marketer to deliver emails based on specific actions that the recipient takes. For example, email marketing tools are able to measure every single action you take within an email. If you open the email and don't click anything in the email, the marketer might have a rule in place that sends a follow up email to you the next day to remind you of the last email. If you open an email and click on a link in it, the marketer might have a separate email teed up that speaks to a…
