From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

Introduction to marketing strategy for designers

From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

Introduction to marketing strategy for designers

- [Amy] Hi everyone. Welcome to this course on Marketing Strategy for Designers. My name is Amy Balliet. I've been creating courses for LinkedIn Learning since 2015, and this is a course I've wanted to do for quite some time so I'm so delighted to bring it to you today. You see, I owe my career to the combination of design and marketing. In 2010, I started Killer Visual Strategies, an agency that grew to become a global leader in the fields of visual communication and visual content marketing. In 2018, I sold Killer in an agency roll-up that would become Material, a firm leading the way in digital transformation and customer experience design for the world's top brands. I've held many roles in my career, but what has allowed me to jump between these positions so seamlessly has been a thorough understanding of marketing and design, and a deep appreciation for how these two fields intersect. It is in that increasingly busy intersection between marketing and design that inspired this course. Today, more than ever, marketers and designers must work side by side to drive success for the brands that they represent. But this is often easier said than done. This course was created to make collaboration between designers and marketers easier. While I've created this course primarily for designers, marketers will find value in it as well. Now, if you're a designer, this course will give you the tools to think and speak like a marketer, ensuring that you can drive even more success for your marketing colleagues or clients, while also giving you the skills to participate in strategic planning with stakeholders. If you freelance, you'll also be able to apply the lessons learned in this course to market yourself to potential clients. Now, for some, you may hope to earn a role as a visual strategist one day, which means that you won't only be tasked with delivering great design. You'll also be tasked with developing the end-to-end content marketing strategies that your designs will fuel. If this sounds like you, this course is a perfect foundation to drive your career prospects. Now, if you're a marketer hoping to learn more about design and visual content marketing, this course will deliver a great deal of relevant guidance to get you started. At minimum, you will walk away with a new appreciation for graphic design and the extreme effort required to deliver high-quality design within often strict marketing parameters. But if you want to dive deeper into tactics around creating engaging visual content for your marketing campaigns, I highly suggest that you check out my course, 20 Rules of Visual Communication. That will provide you with the key concepts you need to oversee creative work designed for marketing. Now if everything sounds enticing so far, jump to the next video in this course to gain a deeper understanding of the course structure and what you'll learn.
