From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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Realizing the potential of your marketing campaign

Realizing the potential of your marketing campaign

From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

Realizing the potential of your marketing campaign

- [Narrator] With your visual language in hand, it's now time to build the content for your marketing campaign and publish it on the channels identified in your content strategy roadmap. This will be a laborious effort combining the skills of designers, content writers or researchers and marketers alike. For the awareness portion of the Edwards campaign, for example we developed the following sets of assets, banner ads both static and animated as you can see, print ads, emails, motion graphics, and full landing pages consisting of infographics and interactive media throughout. Marketers at Edwards timed when to release each piece of content. Understanding that some emails, for example should not be sent until after a clinician viewed certain pages on their site. But simply publishing content is not enough to ensure a successful campaign. Marketers must also take the time to measure the success of their campaigns by…
