From the course: Marketing Strategy for Designers

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Speak like a marketer

Speak like a marketer

- [Instructor] With every specialized profession, comes a vernacular unique to those working in the field. Designers, for example, use words like kerning, letting, orphans or widows, hex color, knolling, DPI and many more. And when it comes to unique terms, marketers seem to be in a field of their own. Between a heavy reliance on acronyms and an ever growing slate of industry terminology, non-marketers can easily get lost in marketing jargon. While this can lead to misunderstandings during a project that could stall or derail it, there is a worse outcome to consider. When marketers don't feel like they can properly communicate their goals or needs to a designer, they often turn away from using a designer entirely. So rather than expect marketers to speak in layman's terms to you, which is an unlikely expectation to begin with, learn how to speak like a marketer. Beyond gaining the confidence of your marketing counterparts…
