From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Add a dusting effect

Add a dusting effect - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Add a dusting effect

- [Instructor] Here in our start file with Substance Painter what I would like to do is, somehow, add dust to everything in our lamp. And, what I mean by that is I'd like to have dust layer coming from the top the way that dust falls, and, maybe, hasn't been brushed off in a really long time, and I'd like to do it for the entire object, all of the materials. So, we're gonna start by applying a dust layer to our wall base, first. So, how do we start a dust layer? Well, honestly, you could start with just a fill layer, kinda make a few color adjustments, but, with dust, it does need a little bit of change in the overall look of it. So, I am going to actually use this concrete clean as the beginning of our dust layer. It doesn't have lotta shininess to it, the roughness is really, really high, and it has, kinda, the dusty feel that we're looking for. So, I am gonna just drag that on top of our brass base here. Now, overall, the entire object will now look like concrete, and that's not at…
