From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Bake hi-res details

Bake hi-res details

- [Instructor] So with all of our models in Mudbox, we now need to get some of the high resolution detail from the high-res model to the low-res to give us a bit more of a roadmap. What we wanna do is bake that high resolution detail onto the low resolution mesh. So what we're going to do is extract some of these textures onto that low-res. So the process for this is quite simple. We are going to go to UV Maps and we're going to Extract Texture Maps and choose New Operation. And you're going to get to pick which of these you're gonna wanna do. I typically will do these one at a time instead of trying to do them all at once. I get better results and sometimes you wanna be kinda choosy of what objects are gonna be in the baking process. So let's start with the ambient occlusion map. Now, ambient occlusion is going to give you any type of self-shadowing on objects. So let's go through these processes here. It's very repetitive so once we do this once, it's kind of just making sure you…
