From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Brick: Add final touches

Brick: Add final touches - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Brick: Add final touches

- [Instructor] So we're coming to the end of our bump map for our brick and we just need to add a few extra little touches to it. So here I've got our chair reference image open and I just wanna take a look real closely at the bump map or the actually surface texture of this brick as we look, so you can see in the top part of we have framed right now, we have our brick but there is this layer of this stucco or this kind of concrete that they went over and then painted so we're losing areas that there are no longer brick patterns in this particular section and we need to add that. The other thing that we need to finish on our bump mapping is the ceiling itself, we have nothing up there right now and there does need to be something and we're just gonna use a regular dry wall style ceiling for this project. So we're gonna come over here to our Photoshop file which is where we left off on the last bump where we had added a blur of 0.5 to our brick and what we wanna do is add some of those…
