From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Brick: Create spec roughness map

Brick: Create spec roughness map - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Brick: Create spec roughness map

- So the last texture that we need to create for our brick wall, is gonna be the specular map or the roughness map to break up the way that the highlights or even reflections of this paint will come in. So, we're here looking at our reference one more time and we're gonna zoom in and take a look and you can see, just in this corner, that we have areas of the brick right in here that are just a little bit shinier than the other areas. And this is just breaking up that even specular highlighted surface along our brick. So, this is what we want to be able to start manipulating. So, we're gonna go over to our 04_08_Start Photoshop file which is where we left off with our color map, and honestly, for these maps, I typically just use either the bump map or the color map and push it to an extreme and then tighten it up inside of Maya. So, let's take the color map in this particular instance and let's duplicate the group. This is just going to put all of those layers on top of each other and…
