From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Interview your objects

Interview your objects - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Interview your objects

- [Instructor] So before texturing any object, you need to interview it, and there are five basic things you need to ask of your object before making any texture map. The first is, you need to define what the object is. You need to then ask what is its most important feature. Then, ask what is it made of. Where does it live? And then give it an overall story. So, first, we need to define the specifics of the element that we're trying to create. So, is it metal? Is it wood? Is it paper? Is it plastic? Is it glass? What is the object actually made of? Then, you need to define the specifics about it. If it's metal, is it iron? Is it lead? Is it steel? If it's wood, is it maple? Oak? Pine? All of those have different wood grains that need to be taken into consideration. Now, what is the most important feature of an object that you're trying to create? Is it rusty? Is it the color? Is it dirty? Is it clean? Is it muddy? Is it dusty? Has it been living in a desert? We want to understand…
