From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Lamp base: Blocking

Lamp base: Blocking

- [Instructor] So, with our base brass created for our wall base, I wanna add just a little bit more to this. I just wanna kinda age this up and maybe add some finger prints and looking at those reference images that we had, I also wanna make sure that we are kind of just breaking up that surface. Again, when using Substance Painter, you really wanna take your textures to that next level by adding more and more to it. So, you can see fingerprints right here and you can see some lightening and some darkening of the overall material and metalness that we have. So, what we're gonna do is come over to our layer stack and on top of our Brass Pure, we're gonna create a new fill layer. To do that, we're gonna choose this little paint bucket here and we get a new fill layer. Now, remember the difference between Substance Painter and Mudbox and Photoshop is the fill layer itself is the entire shader. It's everything that could be made up of that particular shader. The color, the bump, the…
