From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Lamp base: Finalization

Lamp base: Finalization - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Lamp base: Finalization

- [Instructor] Here in our start file in Substance Painter, we want to start texturing this oil-rubbed brass area. Now, what do I mean by it when I say oil-rubbed brass? Well let's take a look at the reference material here, as I bring that over. You can see that there's actually this oil that they put on there and brush it, to give it that particular look. So in our reference image here, on both of these, you can see that in those indentions, in this middle part, is dark, but the outer rim is just showing the pure brass, and we also have this kind of brushed-on darkening color that's going across these other areas, and that's the part that we wanna start working on. So, how can we go about doing that? Well, I'd actually like to start with the brass that we have. So I am gonna come over here to our brass wall base. I'm gonna name this fill layer that we had, just Smudges, just so that I can keep track of what it is we're doing, and I'm going to select the Brass Pure and Smudges, and…
