From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Lamp shade: Blocking

Lamp shade: Blocking - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Lamp shade: Blocking

- [Instructor] Here, in the video start file, what we wanna do is just finish up adding that brushed oil paint across the surface of our lamp base. So, to do that we're going to first start by going in and minimizing our MidDarken folder and turn on our OverallDarken folder. Now, I don't wanna leave this as is because this OverallDarken is doubling up the effect that's going on in the area that we had masked off, so in this particular folder I am gonna wanna go in and re-mask what areas I want this to go into. So, to do that I'm gonna right-click on that folder, Add mask with color selection and then scroll down to Pick colors and I'm gonna choose the green color. Now I also want to add this yellow color to this, so I am gonna come back down to Pick color and choose the yellow. So you can do more than one color with these selections as you're going through. So we're going to bring open that particular folder and go back to our DarkenBrass area which had the dirt generator which was…
