From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Leather: Add cracks

Leather: Add cracks

- [Narrator] Here in our startfile in Mudbox, and what we wanna do now is start creating the next layer of bump map displacement, or distortion across the surface. So, looking at the chairback in our background image here, you can see that it has these large cracks that are going through the stuffing part of this bumpy leather that they have for the wingback chair. So, that's kind of the next step that we wanna be able to add to our bump mapping. So, I'm gonna turn off my diffuse here, and these next couple parts is gonna be a little harder with this default material on here. It's not holding up with the same type of specular highlights that we're seeing on the chair itself. So, I am gonna come over here to my material presets and double click on this silicone dark and we'll actually get that as our base material. Now, I am gonna also come in and go to our edit material option, and choose in our specular a much brighter specular color. And under my gloss, I'm gonna come down here…
