From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Leather: Color finalization

Leather: Color finalization - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Leather: Color finalization

- [Narrator] So if we want to just final up any extra little details to the color map that we think that we need to add in here, and honestly those particular details, we can actually pull from other maps that we've already created, so that's kind of a nice part about Mudbox is having the opportunity to duplicate layers in other channels and use those over again. So let's select our object here and take a look in the armrest here and you can see how some of these deeper cracks that are running across there are darker in color and actually a lot of that leather grain that we had created is actually darkening underneath of the color, so that's what we want to add from our bump map. So we have our diffuse channel selected right now and I'm in flat lighting so I'm going to actually stay in flat lighting for this 'cause it'll be easier to see. Now, next what I want to do is open up my bump map channel and what I want to do is merge all of these layers in and duplicate it so that I can pull…
