From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Leather: Grain paint textures

Leather: Grain paint textures - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Leather: Grain paint textures

- [Instructor] I'm here in the Mud file and it's time to start painting our textures. I am gonna bring an image plane in here as reference, so as we're texturing we can constantly go and look at the image that we're trying to create or use as our reference. So to bring in an image plane, I'm going to go to our object list, perspective camera, select the image plane and turn it on. Now we don't have any image plane information in here yet, so we'll go down to import, and in the Advanced Texturing source images folder there is a WingbackChairIP, for image plane, and we're gonna open that. Now it may not open for you right at the very beginning, but if you scroll down in the image plane properties you'll see in the scale, in the Y channel there's an "nan", that is not being able to be recognized on the scale of the image. So our image is a square, so we'll come in here and type 1.28, hit enter, and then we will just select out here. And to move our image plane we can just hold down the E…
