From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Leather: Specular highlights

Leather: Specular highlights - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Leather: Specular highlights

- [Instructor] So as we're finaling up the coloring for our back of our wingback chair, what we wanna do is kinda break up these white highlights and reflections that are gonna eventually be on our chair when we get it back into our 3D application. So right now, they are breaking up these highlights, these white specular highlights going across the surface, but that's from the bump, and if I were to turn that off, we'd actually see very, very flat highlights going across, and we really don't want that. We want to add just a little bit more of an organic feel to that surface as they go through here. So, what we're gonna do for that is we're gonna start with a new layer, and we're gonna change the channel from diffuse to specular. And click OK. Now what we wanna do is just start getting something organic and some kind of grunge on that so that that highlight's just not quite flat anymore, and honestly, I wanna do it really quickly. So painting on the 3D object like this quickly can not…
