From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Texture scale

Texture scale

- [Instructor] Now that we know what we were gonna texture, and we have a tile-able texture to help us get these bricks on to these walls, let's finally start texturing in Photoshop. Here, I have the Wall UV snap dot TIFF file open. This was the snapshot that we created in MAYA at the beginning of this part of the course. And this is just the UVs of our walls and ceiling. And we're gonna use this as a guide to know where the bricks should go and also what size. Each one of these squares that we're looking at, I know, is 10 feet tall because I created them and know the scale of the room that they went with. Let's go grab our brick texture that we have and actually start applying that. I have that open, here in another tab. And this is where we had left off of creating our tile textures. I'm going to actually just select all of this by hitting Control A, to get our marching ant, and I'm just gonna hit Control C to copy it and go back to our wall snapshot and just paste that in. And it's…
