From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Tile texture

Tile texture

- [Instructor] So after getting the shadows and highlights removed as much as we can from this particular base image, we need to go through and make this a tileable image. What I mean by that is I'd like to be able to duplicate it as many times vertically and horizontally as I need, and not have to do much cleanup in terms of the edges. So this is where we left off. We first need to make this tileable in a horizontal fashion. So how do we go about doing that? Well, I need the pixels on the right-hand side along the edge to match the pixels on the left-hand side, and there's actually a filter in here that will help us do that. It is destructive, so again, we're going to make another duplicate of this particular layer, so that if we ever need to get back to the original, we can easily do that. The filter we're gonna use is called offset. It's under filter, other, offset. And what this is gonna do is give us three options to be able to offset your picture horizontally or vertically and…
