From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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UV layouts

UV layouts

- [Instructor] So now that you have your UV's for your particular object. The way you lay those UV's out into the UV space is actually pretty important and can actually help you with advanced texturing techniques. I do just wanna walk through a few different layouts for a few objects that I have. We're gonna be texturing this chair later in this particular course and I just wanna try to maximize the UV space or the texture density in our UV space on this particular object. So, let's take a look at what I've got. So... With this particular object selected you can see, with the squares that we actually are doing pretty good. Our textile density matches. Our squares on the side are matching, over here. And we do have seams. Now, where did I hide the seams on this particular object? And this is something you wanna take into consideration when working on textures. Is... I try to put seams where they are naturally. This particular object when created would have a seam running right down the…
