From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Wall base: Color and metal

Wall base: Color and metal - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Wall base: Color and metal

- [Instructor] Here on our start file in Substance Painter, what we wanna do is start painting some of our textures. Now I use the word painting a little bit loosely, as Substance is actually doing more than just painting color on your particular objects. Now I am gonna come over here to my texture set list and make sure that we have the brass wall base selected, and hit solo. We're gonna start with just this as our beginning place. So I'm gonna hold down alt, and I can move the camera around just like any other 3D application. Now once you have that selected, we can come down to the next area here for layers, and these are the layers that you're going to be painting. Now, it's not just paint layers. Substance is actually painting the whole shader. It's not only painting color, it's also painting the roughness, metalness, and normal maps and heighth maps, or bump maps, in this particular program. So it takes a little bit of getting used to at first, but is actually quite exciting to…
