From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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What is texture?

What is texture?

- [Instructor] So as we get started in this course, the question we have to start with is what is texture in 3D animation? Well, texture is anything except for the shape of your object, like the object's color or surface. Is it bumpy? Is it smooth? Is it slightly bumpy? Does it have highlights, reflections? Is it self-illuminated or is it transparent? As a texture artist, it's our job to create maps that will give a 3D model the look that it needs so that it will represent the object that it should, like brick should look like brick or plastic should look like plastic or rubber should look like rubber. Now, as a texture artist, we will use different texture maps combined together in what is called a shader or material and then rendered in a render engine. Now, these render engines can come with your 3D app of choice, like Maya or 3ds Max, or they can be third party that you can combine with your 3D application, like Renderman or Arnold, V-Ray, Maxwell, Redshift, and KeyShot are just a…
