From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Wood floor: Create a normal map

Wood floor: Create a normal map - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Wood floor: Create a normal map

- [Instructor] So we finished up our color map and we have ourselves our Photoshop file here which is where we ended with just darkening our color and then applying it in Maya. So what we need to do now is to be able to create our bump map, but we're actually going to use what's called a normal map instead. Photoshop can actually generate normal maps now from a color map. It's not always 100% correct, but it does actually a very good job just right out of the gate with the simple filter. So here in Photoshop, what we're gonna do is duplicate our wood color, so I'm gonna right click on it and Duplicate Layer. And we're gonna call this the WoodNormal. And I'm gonna change that from Screen over to Normal. There we go, and with that WoodNormal selected, what we're gonna do is go to Filter, 3D, Generate Normal Map, and what this is gonna do, it's just going to take Photoshop into a 3D part of its programming and show you a representation of what this normal map is gonna do to a three…
