From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

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Wood floor: Specular highlights

Wood floor: Specular highlights - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Texturing

Wood floor: Specular highlights

- [Instructor] So as we come to the close of texturing our wood floor, we need to look at the final details which is gonna be the specular highlights and the reflectiveness of the wood. I have a couple pre-renders to show you where we're at with the default settings. So this first snapshot we're looking at is the just default roughness and specularity of our wood floor with the shader at its base settings and you can see it's really, really shiny and it's also very, very reflective, way more reflective than I would've really wanted to use. Now, I did go ahead and took our color map that we've been using and that we also used for our normal map, and I just de-saturated it and I saved it out and I plugged it into the specular color of our shader and the roughness and so you can see here this is a rendering of where we're at with our global specular and specular highlights and reflections and you can see it's quite a drastic difference between just a really shiny and plain to actually…
