From the course: Music Theory for Songwriters: The Fundamentals

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Common major scale chord progressions

Common major scale chord progressions

- Now that we've made our way through the building blocks of harmony, notes, intervals, triads, and the basics of scales we can finally begin our discussion of chord progressions. From this point on I'll be referencing real song examples for each new concept. After all, you're here to learn music theory for songwriters, right? Therefore, I encourage you to listen to recordings of the songs I reference throughout the course. A chord progression is a series of chords that aims mainly to establish the sense of a tonality founded on a key or tonic. More simply put, chord progressions are the songwriters way of leading the listener to, and from their sense of home. Since we know all the various triads that exist in the major scale, let's take a look at some of the most common major scale chord progressions. The focus of most common chord progressions is to establish the tonic of a key and reinforce its scale. As far as…
