From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Don't use round numbers

Don't use round numbers

- A very simple and important rule for opening offers is that they should not be a round number. What's your first thought when someone quotes you a round number, say a builder quotes you $500 or a supplier quotes you 20 grand or a customer tells you they have a maximum budget of 20 grand? You know it's made up, don't you? You know it's just a number they plucked out of the air. If they want 500,000 for a house, you know it's just something that they're trying for. It's not based on facts. It can't be because it would be an amazing coincidence if that was the exact amount that all the calculations came out to. So it's obvious that for your offer to be credible, you have to use non-round numbers. And this applies to your opening offer and then all your numbers from then on. Why don't people do this? I suppose it's because basically they are making numbers up and it's quite hard to make up numbers that aren't round,…
