From the course: Negotiation Skills

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Negotiate without lying

Negotiate without lying

- The whole idea of negotiating is based on a sort of lie. You're claiming I can't afford it, when actually you can. You want it cheaper, but you're quite prepared to pay the asking price. Maybe you'd even be delighted to get it for the asking price but you're still trying to get it even cheaper. So where does being economical with the truth end and lying begin? Well, the good news is that you don't have to lie when you negotiate. In fact, I would not recommend it. I'd like to explain why lying is a bad idea and then I'll cover some alternatives to telling an outright lie. My first rule is never lie about numbers or facts because first you never know how much they know. If you say, well, I have to charge a hundred dollars for it because the materials alone cost me 80. They might know that you can get them for only 20. You don't know how much they know. Second, afterwards they may find out that you lied. Once you're working…
